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d'Scriptive Words

Phone : 07 3820 8405
Email : beverley@d-scriptivewords.com
Website : www.d-scriptivewords.com

There is only one you – only one who can do what you do the way you do it, and have achieved what you have in your own unique way. It is this combination, when written strategically, that creates your ‘career brand’ and ensures your resume stands apart from all other applications. As an internationally accredited resume writer I work online with my clients to craft compelling documents tailored specifically to their career history and their target market. For more information plus resume samples visit my website at www.d-scriptivewords.com Calvary families receive a 10% discount on all resume services, therefore please contact me direct on beverley@d-scriptivewords.com or phone 3820 8405 to receive your discount. “I recommend [Beverley] to people needing help with their resumes or those wanting an ‘edge’. Her clients regularly end up on my short lists.” Ben Healan, Executive Recruitment Consultant, Randstad Note: Also experienced in writing web site pages | articles | press releases | speeches