A Careers Adviser is available in the College to assist and advise students and parents in relation to the following:
- Sources of career information in print and electronic form
- Individual career counselling
- Career education programs
- Subject selection and course planning
- Planning career pathways including employment preparation, tertiary and TAFE courses
- QTAC and TAFE course applications
- Year Ten Senior Education and training plans
- Promotion of Open Days, Expos and other career related events
- Guest speakers organised to visit the school
- Direct School – TAFE and School – University link programs
- School Based Traineeships and Apprenticeships
The College also has on staff a Vocational Placement Coordinator whose role is to assist students and parents with placements in School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SATs), and Work Experience
How do SATs operate?
SATs are available to students in Years Eleven or Twelve or Term Four of Year Ten (minimum age 15 years). A minimum of 48 days of paid employment is required, with a trainee wage. Students undertake, at no cost, a Cert II – Cert III qualification directly related to their employment.
What does a SAT involve?
SAT allows students to:
- Commence a traineeship or apprenticeship while still at school
- Participate in a combination of school, paid work, theoretical and structured work place training
- Progress towards gaining a nationally recognised qualification
What are the advantages of a SAT?
- Gives a head start towards a career and a competitive edge when looking for future employment
- Contributes to the new Queensland Certificate of Education
- Gain a nationally recognised qualification without additional cost
Work Experience
We encourage and assist all senior students to take part in work experience over the June/July and September holiday periods. In some circumstances students can be involved in a one day per week work placement over a three to five week period during term time.
For more information please contact the College.
Career Advisor – Mr Jim McGrath
Vocational Placement Co-ordinator – Mr Gavin Gellatly