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Carbrook Springwood

The Parents and Friends Association of Calvary Christian College Carbrook (P&F) is an important way for parents and families to contribute to the College. The P&F exists to benefit all students as reflected in the constitution:

“Contribute to the full to the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical development of the students of the College” (P&F Constitution 2009, p.5)

We can only do this by joining together, pooling our talents and resources and supporting the College in a number of ways including:

• Identifying College needs and meeting them
• Providing funding for College projects and activities
• Supporting student groups representing the College
• Supporting College co-curricular groups via sub-committees
• Providing fundraising for College co-curricular groups via sub-committees
• Communicating with other parents, friends and staff of the College about important issues
• Setting and achieving goals with other parents, friends and staff of the College

Some respondents to the College survey believed that the P&F was merely a fundraising group; as you have read, we are that and much more!

Come along to a P&F meeting and see for yourself. You can be involved as little or as much as you want to. This is your P&F - everyone is always welcome!