Discipleship Pathways
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Calvary Christian College exists as a learning community so its members may know the love of God. The community witness this in each other’s company at times of worship and prayer and share it with each other in relationships.
We belong to this community because we have chosen to, accepting, as Jesus accepted that we will all know times of weakness and failure so that when we need counsel, challenge, and care for growth and development to occur, it is offered in a spirit of compassion and forgiveness.
As a College community, we live by gospel values sharing compassion, understanding, respect and acceptance in the hope that we are faithful witnesses in our students lives. Our community grows by God’s grace that inspires the efforts of students, parents and staff as they build it based on faith and trust. Jesus' example of service to others is the model for the Calvary community to follow; to help one another with openness, encouragement and a sense of humour.