Message from the Head of Middle School
Within the Middle School our key goal is to nurture students in a secure, caring and Christian environment towards becoming confident young people.
With only four classes per year level we are small enough to know and care for students individually, yet large enough to offer an extensive range of academic and co-curricular opportunities.
We recognize that the Middle School years are important times of transition between childhood and young adulthood and hence we have a distinctive pastoral care and academic approach designed to build confidence and create a secure learning environment.
Our Pastoral Care is provided through daily Pastoral Care lessons, specialized Principal Teachers and Year Level Coordinators with special responsibilities for student welfare.
Our curriculum is a gradual process of academic specialization across the three years of Middle School. Student are taught by a single classroom teacher supported by specialist teachers in Year Seven and progressively through Years Eight and Nine are offered more individual subjects and teachers.
The Middle School years are an exciting and enjoyable period of your child's life and it is our privilege to partner with you on this journey.
Mr Peter Colllins
Head of Middle School