The Senior School encompasses Years Ten, Eleven and Twelve and involves a program of study that is more focused and specialised than that offered in the Middle School. Students are required to take significant responsibility for their studies as they develop into independent learners, capable of making informed decisions about their post school pathways.
Year Ten
Year Ten is the commencement of the senior years of schooling and is very much a year of transition for students as they move from Middle School toward the external accountability and rigour of Years Eleven and Twelve. Students undertake a core curriculum program which is designed to prepare them for the requirements of the years ahead while continuing to study the three elective subjects commenced in Year Nine.
The core curriculum which is compulsory for all students consists of:
- English
- Core Physical Education
- Foundations
- Geography
- History
- Preparatory Mathematics A or B
- Science
Elective subjects include:
- Agricultural Science
- Art
- Business
- Graphics
- Health and Physical Education
- Home Economics
- Industrial Technology and Design
- Information and Communication Technology
- Japanese
- Learning Enrichment
- Music
- Spanish
Years Eleven and Twelve
Students have the opportunity to study six subjects from a broad range of options. Subjects currently offered are:
Agricultural Science
Business Organisation and Management
Certificate II in Information Technology
English communication
English Extension (Year 12)
Film, Television and New Media
Home Economics
Hospitality Practices
Information Processing and Technology
Legal Studies
Mathematics A
Mathematics B
Mathematics C
Modern History
Music Extension (Year 12)
Physical Education
Pre-vocational Mathematics
All students also undertake Foundations and Core Physical Education.
2010 saw very pleasing OP results for our students with 53%of our students obtaining between an OP 1 and 10. Please click here for full details of the overall student effort.