The Junior School curriculum at both campuses is delivered through a framework known as the God-centred Curriculum. In each year level, various aspects of the nature of God underpin teaching and learning in all Key Learning Areas. Work is planned so that the curriculum is delivered in holistic, integrated units with emphasis placed on the spiritual, academic, social, emotional and physical development of students.
Because we recognise the necessity for students in the 21st century to be technologically literate, all classrooms are equipped with computers and both campuses have computer laboratories where students learn to manage information, undertake research and develop word-processing and presentations skills. There are also two sets of laptops which can be moved from class to class for student use. Access to the internet is undertaken with teacher direction.
Specialist teachers assist classroom teachers in the delivery of some subjects. Music education is taught by qualified music teachers form Prep onwards. In Years four and Five, students learn the recorder and opportunities to learn a wide range of musical instruments and participate in school choirs and music groups are provided.
From Prep to Year Six, specialist staff assists in the teaching of Physical Education, Spanish and qualified teacher-librarians teach library research skills.