P&F » Carbrook

P&F Meetings
The Carbrook P&F meets twice a term in the Administration Building Conference room at 7pm on the second Wednesday of the month. Meetings are advertised in Connections, on the College website and on the road-side notice board. Agenda items need to be emailed to the secretary at least one week prior to the meeting. We hope to see you there!

P&F Levy
One hour is credited towards your P&F time for attending P&F meetings. All other time spent helping the College is also accumulated when you fill out your P&F levy card. When 24 hours is reached in a calendar year your P&F levy of $250 will be refunded the following year.

P&F Contact
If you have any enquiries, items for discussion at the next P&F meeting or would like to get involved with the P&F Association, please contact the P&F via email Carbrook.PandF@calvarycc.qld.edu.au or through the Facebook group P&F Calvary Christian College, Carbrook Campus.

School Banking
School banking day is Tuesday, with Junior School students handing in their banking to their teacher, and Middle and Senior Students handing banking into Student Reception.  Bank books will be returned on Thursdays.

If you are interested in obtaining a school banking application pack, please leave a note for the School Banking Convenor at Student Reception.

P&F Sub Committees

Sub Committees play an important role in the P&F. Sub Committees fund raise for specific areas of the College. If you are interested in getting involved in any of the sub committees please contact the team leaders listed.

P&F Fundraising Co-Ordinator
Sandra Eley
Email: sandra.j.eley@gmail.com
Mobile: 0410 552 857

Ag Science Sub Committee
Team Leader: Adrian Strano
Email: astrano@komatsu.com.au
Mobile: 0427 784 345

Craft Sub Committee
Team Leader: Denene Bick
Mobile: 0402 251 985

Junior School Sub Committee
Team Leader: Helen Davis
Email: helen.davis@calvarycc.qld.edu.au

Sports Sub Committee
Team Leader: Linda Luck

Mission Sub Committee
Team Leader: Karen Kolope
Email: Karen.kolope@calvarycc.qld.edu.au

Music Support
Team Leader: Christine Whelan
Email: christinewhelan@iinet.net.au