There are four groups operating in the Centre.
15 months – 2 ½ years 10 children per day
2 ½ years – 3 ½ years 16 children per day
3 ½ years – 5 years 24 children per day - Pre-Prep Class
3 ½ years – 5 years 24 children per day - Short Day Care (8:45am-2:45pm, School Terms)
Kingdom Kids is run by Calvary Christian College and is the gateway into schooling at Calvary. Our Centre structure is:
Mrs Ronwyn Collier, Deputy Head of Junior School: Early Learning
Mrs Trish Stephens, Educational Leader and Nominated Supervisor
Mrs Natalie Parsons, Administration Assistant
All staff are fully qualified and consistent throughout the week. Each of our rooms has an Educator and Assistant Educator to care for the children daily.