Enrolling » Fees and Conditions

Calvary Christian College was founded with the conviction to provide a quality Christian education at an affordable price. The College has remained true to this origin and remains a comparably low fee school.  Click below for details of the current fee schedule.

An application fee of $75.00 per applicant is payable upon submission of an enrolment application.  A further confirmation fee is only payable once the enrolment offer has been made. ($100.00 1st child, $75.00 2nd child, $50.00 3rd child) Sliding scale only applies if children are enrolled at the same time.

It is a condition of application that one full term’s written notice is required for the withdrawal of a student from the College. Failure to do so will result in an amount equal to one full term’s fees being charged in lieu of notice.

Please click here to view 2014 College Fees
Please click
here to calculate your College Fees 
Please click 
here for the Direct Debit form

*All transactions are processed in AUD
Please click here for Calvary Christian College Bank details.

Refund Process
• Please note due to the nature and the business provided by the College. The College does not generally offer refunds on –
        o Tuition fee
        o Excursion payment
        o Levy payment 
• A refund on camp or excursions may be appropriate in exceptional cases and application is to be made to the Business Manager.
• If you have any questions regarding refunds please do not hesitate to contact the College.