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Jux Developments - John Bicanic

PO Box 5082 DAISY HILL Q 4127
Phone : Mb 0417 630 795 or 07 32095767
Email : admin@juxdevelopments.com.au
Website : www.juxdevelopments.com.au

Jux Developments has earned a reputation for its unique designs, quality workmanship, value for money and its personalised approach to doing business. Each project is approached with enthusiasm and a view to ensuring all clients are happily settled in their dream homes as a measure of success. All projects are designed and built to meet each individual client’s needs, tastes and preferences.   Jux Developments specialise in complex renovations and new homes featuring unique designs for difficult, steep sloping blocks to new smaller lots. Unique floor plans, quality workmanship and finishes throughout each of our homes sets us apart from main stream building companies, providing clients with an exceptional service and finished product. Please visit us at our new display home: 1 Baxton Place, Shailer Park (off Shailer Rd - opposite Norton Drice).