Inspire - Woman's Conference

Date Added: 21/09/2012

Logan Uniting Church presents 'Inspire' - A day of growth for every woman. 
Saturday 27 October 2012.

This one day conference will inspire, encourage and challenge women of all generations. Logan
Uniting Church welcomes you to join in and hear speaker Joy Graetz.

As a teenager, Joy decided to say YES to opportunity. This has truly shaped her life ever since.
A beautiful woman inside and out, Joy is a wife and mother of three adult children. As a pastor,
mentor, encourager, author, speaker and trainer, she passionately declares that God will not

Not only will you love listening to Joy, but you will be able to identify with her and see yourself in
her stories and experience. She speaks with wisdom, sprinkled with a touch of humour, to all
generations.She will share insight and practical tools about the challenges and complexities of
being a woman.

You are warmly invited to come along and be inspired.

Saturday 27 October 2012
9:00am to 3:30pm
Calvary Community Centre
559 Beenleigh Redland Bay Road, Carbrook

Conference Rates
(morning tea and lunch provided)

Early Bird - $40 (before September 21)
Full Rate - $50 (September 21 - October 7)

Register at:


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