Student Induction

Date Added: 02/11/2011

One hundred parents, relatives and friends joined the Middle and Senior School staff and students at the 2011 Student Induction Ceremony held on the morning of Friday 4 February.  The ceremony affirmed all students in formal leadership positions, conferring upon them both the authority and responsibility of their positions as they received their badges and took their pledge.  They were acknowledged in front of our community and dedicated in prayer.

Acknowledged on the day were our College Captains and Vice Captains, Prefects, Middle School Leaders, Sports and Music Captains, House Captains, PC Mentors, Sports Council and Senior School Student Representative Council Members and all of our Senior Students from Livingstone, Pascal, Pullinger and Teresa.

Our Prefect Team, Sports Council and Senior School SRC have all commenced their meetings as they make plans for the year ahead.  House Captains have been up in front of their House meetings alongside their House Masters as they rally the troops in colour and voice, preparing for the Swimming Carnival.  Last year Livingstone won the House Cup by just two points so every point counts.

As our College Captain, Matthew Alcock, prayed, “We pray that together we may build on the efforts of all those who have gone before us so that our achievements and contribution might not only benefit the students of 2011 but all who will follow.”

May God bless them and bless our community through them this year.

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