Tonga Mission 2013

Date Added: 18/07/2013

During the last school holidays nine MS/SS students, two staff members and one parent, travelled to Tonga. This was the College’s eighth mission trip to Vava’u in Tonga and all team members had an outstanding time.

The team visited four primary schools where they played outdoor games with the children. A presentation of the story of Jonah through song, dance, puppetry and storytelling entertained the children and enabled them to hear the Bible in a way that they never have before. Activities such as pin Jonah in the whale, dot to dot and making a glitter whale were enjoyed by the boys and girls.


At the schools the Calvary team gave to each child (and the teachers) a gift pack of the donated items from Calvary families. It was so incredible to see and hear the delight of the Tongan children as they played with their bubble wands.

The team also presented to Vava’u High School hundreds of books for the library and painted fourteen of their blackboards. Kindergarten supplies were presented to Hosea Mission Pre-school (a kindy that we work very closely with).

Culturally, the team experienced a dinner/dance in a beach cave, went snorkelling and spent three days in the home of a Tongan family. The homestays are a special part of the trip and everyone had wonderful stories to share.

The next student trip will be in 2015. It will be a very special trip as we celebrate ten years of mission in Tonga. If you are interested in finding out more about the student mission trips please contact Karen Kolope at

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