Co-curricular Expo

Date Added: 15/02/2011

The Co-curricular Expo was abuzz with excitement, sound and colour.  The annual showcase and signup featured a broad range of choices ranging from recreational sport through to cultural  and club activities.

The Expo was especially popular this year with students signing up in record numbers.  A standout at the expo were the cute calves from Ag Science club’s display who drew much attention and interest.


This year the activities included:

Amnesty group, Duke of Edinburgh, Shine team, Tonga trip, Cross Country club, Ag Science Club, ITD club, Debating and public speaking, French for Fun, Chess club, craft group, multi-media club, Film & TV production club, Worship and chapel team, and various sport teams.


The expo complements our curricular sports and cultural program, being more recreational  than competitive and or performance based.


“ The Expo encourages our students to be active and involved and allows them to explore new interests and skills.”

A few more photos

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