Approximately 200 Calvary Christian College female students participated in an awareness campaign for the 200+ girls who were abducted from
their school in Nigeria more than a month ago. The campaign entitled #BringBackOurGirls saw the students organise a photo shoot to continue the awareness of his plight hrough the powers of Social Media.
The students have taken up this cause as they feel very little was initially done by the Nigerian government to bring their girls back home to their families, and hope that through the power of social media they can make a difference.
The Calvary students held up placards with the words “Sister”, “Niece”, “Friend”, "Daughter” and “Save our Girls” to highlight how a community has been impacted
by this travesty and loss of their family members and friends. The photograph also aims to drive home what it would feel like for a community to lose 200
young people so suddenly. They also hope that Western Governments will continue to intervene in this situation. The core group of 20 to 40 Amnesty International tudents from Calvary Christian College meet each week to discuss issues raised by Amnesty International via their website and other
issues faced by disadvantaged people around the world.
We all have the responsibility of caring for others as God has commanded us to do through the scriptures.