Calvary In Action helping flood affected areas

Date Added: 03/03/2011

An invitation to join a combined Logan UC and Calvary CC work party as part of a:


“Flood Disaster Relief Mission to Chinchilla -

Restoration of the Clover Hill Ranch”

(A Christian Campsite for the regional young people)


If you are interested in joining the work group or have a family member who may be interested, please contact Ps Jim (details below). Following are the details:


Date: Weekend of Friday 4 March to Sunday 6 March
(leave after school on Friday and arrive back home late Sunday afternoon).


Background information:

Mr Owen Bunker, a long term member of Logan UC, has spent the last number of weeks in Chinchilla and its local district as a supply lay pastor. On behalf of Logan UC and Calvary CC, he has been investigating how we, as two Christian communities, could possibly help out the local community as they come to terms with how they are to restore and repair their properties and infrastructure after the recent flood disaster.


Owen recently had a request from the local Uniting Church to assist them in the restoration of the Clover Hill Ranch. This campsite was frequently used by local and regional youth groups and school groups for their camping programs. It is the only camp site in the region. If the campsite is not restored there will be no facility to operate any adventure-based camp programs for children and youth. The closest campsite will be those located near Brisbane.


The work to be done:
briefly, at this stage:

  • The amenity blocks need much work. The toilet doors and the benchtops need to be replaced.
  • All the fences are flood damaged and need to cleaned and repaired.
  • The Calvary student have already raised a considerable amount of funds which will cover the material costs. 

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