Carnival Madness!

Date Added: 17/05/2011

What a success the Calvary Carnival was!  God blessed us with a beautiful sunny day and the Springwood Campus looked outstanding as it came to life with rides, stalls, entertainment and fun.  It was wonderful to see so many Springwood families supporting this initiative from the Parents and Friends Association.  Parents had donated items and prizes for stalls, baked cakes and biscuits and served on stalls throughout the day.  They were hugely supportive and their efforts made the day an extreme success.

Everywhere you looked children had smiles on their faces.  The rides were certainly very popular, as were the curly potatoes on a stick.  Fairy floss, chocolates, lollies and cupcakes were the order of the day as children enjoyed the Carnival atmosphere.  Each class presented an item and the audience enjoyed watching our children perform.  The Springwood Campus was abuzz with new and existing families, as well as many visitors to the College.  The day, after all, was all about the children and they all have wonderful memories and glowing reviews of the Calvary Carnival.   This is what they had to say:

“It was a great day.  I enjoyed hanging out with my friends and going on the rides.” Alex

“I enjoyed the potato twists from the food stall.” Corbin

“Getting my hair sprayed with coloured dye was fun.” Caitlin

“The stalls were very interesting and the P&F did a great job of organising the carnival.” Zoe

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